Ignis Lux Long Sleeve Hooded Sun Shirt

(sales tax for Illinois residents only)

Product Description

Fire is associated with many things. Consider this-

In your guts is a flame, it’s been there since you arrived on this planet. You choose its intensity. You also choose to fan it or to let it burn out. Fire can comfort and protect or it can hurt. It can ravage or it can purify. The best steel spends much time in the flames. Our founders started a flame which is our responsibility to keep alive. Patrick Henry said, “I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided and that is the lamp of experience.” Use that fire in your guts to be of service to yourself and to others.

Facta Non Verba… Deeds Not Words.
Too often we just talk about the what if’s, the mountains we might climb one day, the dreams we may one day realize. The sun over those mountains reminds us the sun will set on all of us. Live today. Fulfill what’s inside you. Deeds Not Words.
  • Made in America
  • Great for sunny range days
  • SPF 40
  • Moisture Wicking